Imagine waking up in the morning and going to your cabinet to find emptiness. There’s nothing to eat. You don’t have a fridge, as there is no electricity in your entire community, and even if there was, a fridge would be nearly impossible to get into your home. With few work opportunities available, you can’t afford to send your kids to school. It’s just you and your three children, no food, no source of clean water, and a 10 ft.x12 ft. room with a stove made out of cinder blocks outside.
I’ve seen this reality for people I’ve met in Guatemala, in Tanzania, in Mexico and around the globe in developing nations. I’ve learned that it is difficult to have sustainable sources of food when there’s no sustainable system of government.

When food is lacking, people get scared, and when fear becomes your driving force, you’ll do anything to take care of your family. This food insecurity heightens the risk of corruption within the government and civil conflict. Just imagine the lengths you’d go to ensure your family had food to eat.
We all have a part to play in achieving the peace we strive to see. Our country is well represented within the U.N., and as a country, our diplomats often facilitate discussions on peace, just as Presidents Jimmy Carter and F.D.R. did during their time as public servants. So what can you do? Talking to your elected officials is important — they work for you, and if you care about peace in Syria or elsewhere, they are the first people you need to tell.

It may seem doubtful at times, but your passion can rub off on your elected officials and they’re the ones that get the ball rolling on actions that can make change. There are currently more than 100 bills in Congress related to peace and international affairs. We do have a voice; your opinion DOES matter…but you have to do your part.
Where to begin? Do 10 minutes of research and write a letter or call your Congressperson. It’s that easy. And there are millions of people all around the world who need you to step up to the plate because they aren’t in a country that allows them to do so.

Food security and peace go hand in hand. We can achieve peace. We can end world hunger. We can make a difference. Are you audacious enough to believe that? I am. And if you want to know more, please sign up to become a Hunger Champion today.