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Empowering Communities


It may sound strange, but the fact is farmers are some of the most food-insecure members of society. Farm yields are constrained by availability and affordability of quality seeds and fertilizers. Climate change has made weather patterns unpredictable, which affects planting and harvesting seasons, as well as the availability of fodder for animal herds. Those in rural areas often lack access to markets where they can get a fair price for their produce. For small and marginal farmers โ€“ who constitute over 80 per cent of Indiaโ€™s farming community โ€“ the situation is much worse as they are faced with volatile markets, lack of access to credit/capital, increased inputs costs and lack of access to technological innovations.

Rise Against Hunger India is working with food-insecure communities to increase agricultural production and incomes through programs promoting improved agricultural methods, business skills, and market access. Our smallholder farmers build resilience to the shocks and stresses of climate change by promoting ecological approaches to agriculture as well as diversification. Drought mitigation and climate adaptation measures in some rural districts have helped 5000 subsistence farmers get better results from their farms. Our recent SAMBAL Initiative, implemented in the hunger pockets in the country are helping build livelihood and food security through farm and non-farm interventions.

For those who do not grow their own food, income is a key determinant in acquiring adequate nutrition. Through business training, we help individuals increase their earning potential and thus their consistent access to food.