Broadening Reach, Deepening Impact!
Soft copy of the Annual Report 2022-23 can be downloaded here. Some highlights are given below:

The year was marked by many new beginnings while scaling up and refining some of our existing programs in furthering our commitment towards our mission to nourish lives, empower communities, respond to emergencies and build a strong movement to end hunger.
Thanks to the support from partners, donors, volunteers and many others, Rise Against Hunger India’s nutritional support reached to over 455,000 individuals in remote tribal villages as well as in urban areas. Many thanks to over 9,000 active volunteers who participated in packaging close to 6 million nutrient-rich food packets that were so helpful in providing nutrition to children, elderly, recovering patients, physically challenged and other vulnerable groups.
A major highlight of this year was being recognized as a partner for the Ni-Kshay Mitra program under the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (Prime Minister TB Free India Campaign). We were able to provide additional nutrition on a monthly basis to nearly 600 tuberculosis patients through Primary Health Centers in Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand.

The year saw a big growth in our operational capacity both in terms of our staff strength and operational units. Total staff capacity reached over 60 (almost double the size compared to the previous year) while 6 new field/project offices were opened closer to the program locations in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar. This helped us connect closely with the local communities and respond to program needs much effectively and with efficiency. With these additions, by the end of the year, Rise Against Hunger India had 15 Offices.
As a means to foster community ownership and motivate the community members to take charge of things, Rise Against Hunger India’s community mobilization strategy has been quite successful. Under the ‘Meals for Development (M4D)’ initiative, villagers come together to resolve a longstanding issue which they have been facing. This year, 16 community assets were created through this initiative in various rural locations.

Emergency relief has been a major part of Rise Against Hunger India’s work. During the Bangalore floods that impacted thousands of families, hot cooked meals were provided to those whose homes were inundated and then dry rations were given to over 74,000 people. In Assam too, 3,000 people were supported with dry food packets and other provisions.
Overall, the year was full of exciting developments as well as new challenges & learnings as this was the first full year of ‘normal’ operation after the COVID pandemic that had disrupted things in many fronts.