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Annual Impact Report for 2023-24...

cover page annual report 2023-24"

Annual Impact Report for 2023-24

Women from Koraput

We are excited to share with you the Annual Report for 2023-2024, showcasing our collective achievements and impact in the fight against hunger over the past year. From community development projects to emergency relief, this year highlights our unwavering commitment to ending hunger in India. All the interventions are implemented under four Program Pathways: Nourishing Lives, Empowering Communities, Responding to Emergencies, and Growing the Movement.

Expanding Reach - Impact Numbers at a Glance!

Nourishing Lives

Mother feeding the child

Under this program pathway, Rise Against Hunger India provides immediate and direct food and nutrition support to vulnerable groups. Volunteers from corporates, schools, and civic groups as well as individuals from different walks of life help in packaging fortified nutritious meals. Other activities under this pillar include healthcare, water & sanitation, kitchen gardens, behavior change etc.

Key Highlights

  • Maternal and Child Health & Nutrition Program covering 1,250 pregnant, lactating mothers and children who received hot cooked nutritious meals and health services through 52 community kitchens in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha,
  • The School Nutrition Garden program benefited 2,226 children in 30 schools across Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand providing children with leafy green vegetables for their mid-day meals.
  • Under the Prime Minister TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, Rise Against Hunger India was recognized as a Ni-kshay Mitra partner under which 400 TB patients received 156,168 nutritious prepackaged meals in 4 states.
  • Sanitation drives in 116 villages covered 4,079 people with training on hygiene and safe water management.
  • Handwashing Program implemented with the installation of handwashing stations in 50 schools and 51 Anganwadi (pre-school) centers.

Empowering Communities

Initiatives under this program pillar aim to improve diets, diversify livelihoods, and strengthen economic resilience. Interventions include building and strengthening capacities of the rural communities through interventions such as sustainable agriculture, income enhancement, market access, value chain enhancement.

Key Highlights

  • Seed Bank project in Malkangiri, Odisha supported 434 farmers with 620 kg of traditional crop seeds.
  • Through the Meals for Development initiative in four states 19 community assets like roads and soak pits were created.
  • Under the Social Safety Net initiative, 164 individuals who were eligible to access government entitlements and provisions were enrolled into various government schemes.
  • A new livestock restoration project helped 53 tribal farmers revive pig farming (they had lost all their stocks due to some infection and inaugurated)
  • Over 5,000 farmers under Ahinsa Farmers’ Federation in Bargarh, Odisha are now using an automatic rice mill machine to produce high-quality, top-grade rice for commercial selling.

Emergency Relief

Manipur Relief Camp

Rise Against Hunger India has been at the forefront in responding to natural calamities and health pandemic.  The disaster relief efforts include provision of ready-to-cook meals, water filtration systems, hygiene kits, medical assistance and in some cases, post-disaster rehabilitation and livelihood restoration. A total of 13,667 people in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Manipur, Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra were supported in the year 2023-24.

Key Highlights

  • Rise Against Hunger India established a new Centre for Climate Resilience and Response in Bhubaneswar to promote climate-resilient practices.
  • Over 8,700 people in Odisha, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand benefited from the temporary drinking water counters that were opened during peak summer.
  • In the aftermath of cyclone Michuang in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, 1,186 households received nearly 42,000 dry uncooked meals.
  • A special initiative was undertaken to reach out to the riot affected displaced people in Manipur where 4,000 people from Maiti and Kuki indigenous tribes living in temporary relief camps received food kits organized through some local partners.
  • Cooked food was provided to 4,430 individuals during the Delhi floods in July 2023. Similarly, about 100 households affected by a fire in Malad, Mumbai, received 4,320 meals.

Growing the Movement

Meal packaging by volunteers

Volunteers are crucial to our mission, packaging meals and participating in community events. During the year, more than 21,000 dedicated volunteers joined us in our efforts for food and nutrition security.

Key Highlights

  • More than 9,094 volunteers actively participated in nearly 75 meal packaging events in multiple locations across the country
  • Strengthened partnership with nearly 60 corporates & foundations, more than 130 grassroots community organizations, and various academic institutions.
  • Around 11,000 participants from rural and urban locations joined the movement through special events and community awareness programs.
  • As part of Hunger Action Month, special cooking demo sessions were held in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai where NGO partners prepared different nutritional recipe using Rise Against Hunger India meal packets.
Hunger Action Month

All these efforts were possible due to the unwavering support from the donors, partners, volunteers, board members, staff and well-wishers.  Collectively, over the past nine years, 3 million lives spread across 135 districts in 23 states have been impacted through direct interventions and with a network of over 300 NGO partners.  As we enter into the tenth year of the organization’s operations, with nearly 90 dedicated staff, our resolve is to deepen and broaden our engagement with communities to bring sustainable food and nutrition security among the most vulnerable sections.

For those interested, a full version of the Annual Report can be downloaded here.

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